Sunday, July 25, 2010

WHH Murray timeline

Born - William Henry Harrison Murray on April 26, 1840 in Guilford, Ct to Dickenson and Sally Murray

Entered Yale - 1858

Yale graduate - 1862

Married Isadora Hull of East River, CT - 1862 (just a few weeks after graduating Yale)

Attended East Windsor Theological Seminary (Hartford Theological Inst.)

Licenced minister - 1863

Pastor @ First Congregational Church, Washington, CT from 1863-1864

Associate minister to Edward Hatfield, D.D., N.Y.C. - 1864

Pastor @ Second Cong. Church, Greenwich, CT - 1864- 1866

Took camping vacations in Adirondacks - 1864- 1877

Pastor at Cong. Church, Meriden, CT - 1866-1868

Pastor at Park Street Cong. Church, Boston - Fall, 1868-1874

Published Adventures in the Wilderness - April 1, 1869

Bought family homestead @ Guilford - 1870

Bought two farms adjoining his homestead, converted farms to horse breeding - 1872

Published The Perfect Horse - 1873

Pastor at New England Church, Boston (his independent church at Boston Music Hall) - 1875-1878

Separated from wife Isadora - 1878

Divorced Isadora (desertion) - 1886

Married Frances M. Rivers of Montreal, Canada - 1886

Died - March 3, 1904 in the very same room where he was born

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